
"...почему такие бедные?"  (1)


"Alles top, einfach traumhaft"  (1)


"Dahinter steckt nichts als Ineffizienz"  (1)


"Fasse wacker meinen Zipfel! Hier ist so ein Mittelgipfel ..."  (1)


"Hoffentlich schaffe ich das ..."  (1)


"Produktive Unruhe?" Die Zukunft der Humboldt-Universität  (1)


"Who are the actors in the government of French universities? The paradoxal victory of deliberative leadership"  (1)
"Wir sind die Angeschmierten" / Finke B., Horning F., Jung A. et al.  (1)
"Wunderkammern" zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit: Ein Projekt mit Modellcharakter  (1)

"В региональных вузах формируются современные подходы к образованию"  (1)
"Вековое логовище знаний"  (1)

"За" и "против" введения "образовательных ваучеров" в систему высшего образования  (1)

"Международный бакалавриат"  (1)

"Наша университетская школа русских историков" и ее судьба  (1)
"Нерешаемые проблемы" высшего образования  (1)

"Основы интеллектуальной собственности" в вузах  (1)

"Правовые основы организации высшего образования в России"  (1)

"Утечка умов" из постсоветской России: эволюция явления и его оценок  (1)
"Утечка умов" из российской науки  (1)
"Утечка умов" из университетов Канады.  (1)

"Язык" в структуре непрерывного образования  (1)


Ótimo professor: aquele que diz "a que veio"  (1)


Über die Ünfreiheit der Forschung (Teil 2)  (1)


&3192; la une  (1)


... Calendar / Univ. of Lagos. - Lagos: Univ. of Lagos, [2000]. 1996-2000 ... - VIII, 670 p.  (1)


2002 год - год столетнего юбилея Томского государственного педагогического университета  (1)
2003: la grande révolution des formations  (1)


22 года во главе МГУ - это подвиг: К 100-летию со дня рождения И.Г. Петровского  (1)
22 года во главе МГУ - это подвиг: к 100-летию со дня рождения академика И.Г. Петровского  (1)


55 лет юридическому факультету Ростовского государственного университета  (1)


70 лет Мордовскому государственному университету им. Н.П. Огарева  (1)


A European science agency?  (1)
A comparative study of library surveys of Internet users at Seton Hall University in 1998 and 2001  (1)
A constituency-based support model for delivering information services  (1)
A growing trend toward knowledge work in Canada  (1)
A history of financing university education in Canada  (1)
A long road to merger of existing programs at Washington state university  (1)
A positive signal to scientific Switzerland  (1)
A quand une web universityé française?  (1)
A questão da universidade e da formaçãгo em ciências socias  (1)
A research note on China's higher education  (1)
A smooth road from conventional teaching to distance learning in teacher education  (1)
A snapshot of early adopters of E-journals: challenges to the library / Brennan M.J., Hurd J.M., Blecic D.D. et al.  (1)
A theoretical review of cо-operative relationship between firms and universities  (1)


Abschied vom deutschen Professor? Amt und Wüden des Professors im Wandel der Zeiten  (1)


Academic life in China and Taiwan  (1)
Academic research and development: Financial and personnel resources  (1)
Activité professionnelle  (1)


Aktueller Stand bei der Ausbildung von wissenschaftlichen Bibliothekaren am Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin  (1)


Alternative visions for the future university  (1)
Altersstruktur und Karrierewege der Professorinnen und Professoren in der deutschen Soziologie  (1)


America's best colleges  (1)
Amsterdam science dynamics deinstitutionalised  (1)
Amtseitführung des Rektors und der Prorektoren / V.S.  (1)


Angewandte Informationssicherheit. Ein Hacker-Praktikum an Universitäten  (1)
Annual ... / Museum of Tartu univ. history. - Tartu: Museum of Tartu univ. history, 1997.  (1)
Annual report ... / Cambridge Univ. libr. - Cambridge: Univ. of Cambridge, [2001].#...for the year 2000-2001. - 24 p.: ill.  (1)
Annual report.../ Warburg inst. - L.: Univ.of London: School of advanced study, 2001.#...2000-2001. - VI, 40 p.  (1)
Annuario... / Univ. cattolicа del Sacro Cuore. - Milano: Vita e pensiero, 2002.  (1)
Anthropometric indices and physical fitness in the university undergraduates with different physical activity  (1)


Applying an information problem-solving model to academic reference work: finding and implications  (1)


Assessing collaborative, pre-competitive R&D projects: the case of the UK LINK scheme  (1)
Assessing information literacy among undergraduates: a discussion of the literature and the University of California-Berkeley assessment experience  (1)
Assessing the assessment: an analysis of the UK Research Assessment Exercise, 2001, and its outcomes, with special reference to research in education  (1)
Assessing the internal efficiency of higher education: A production function approach using data from Cameroon  (1)


Ausgaben für Bildung im internationalen Vergleich  (1)
Australian universities' reactions to reduced federal financial support for coursework postgraduate awards  (1)


Beyond Humboldt? The relationschip between teaching and research in European university systems  (1)


Bibliothèques universitaires  (1)
Bildungsreform: Alle müssen Mitverantwortung tragen  (1)


Botton-up versus top-down policies towards the commercialization of university intellectual property  (1)


Bringing federal documents to the forefront for library users: selective cataloging using an OPAC  (1)


Bush S&T budget: the Clinton baseline  (1)


Campus politics and academic freedom  (1)
Can 'the public' be considered as a fourth helix in university-industry-government relations? Report on the Fourth Triple Helix Conference, 2002  (1)
Canadian universities lost $4,000 per student  (1)


Collaborate to meet the needs of the market  (1)
Collaboration in R&D with universities and research centres: an empirical study of Spanish firms  (1)
Collaborative research: policy and the management of knowledge creation in UK universities  (1)
Collaborer autrement: Des enjeux nouveaux pour les bibliothèques universitaires  (1)
Collection development in university libraries  (1)
Collectivités locales et universités  (1)
Commercial academics: An Indian story  (1)
Commercial scholarly publishing: the devil incarnate or divine saviour?  (1)
Commons: skills shortage at top of list  (1)
Conflict resolution in higher education in a globalising Africa: the case of moral authority and leadership integrity in management of universities  (1)
Contemporary higher education studies in the People's Republic of China  (1)
Continuity in discontinuity: changing discourses of science in a market economy  (1)
Cost sharing in higher education: tutition, financial assistance an accessibility in comparative perspective  (1)


Croissance, R&D et formation: une reveu de la littérature  (1)


Curriculum development in education for librarianship and information work factors affecting change at the Department of information studies, University of Sheffeld, United Kingdom  (1)


Czech higher education still at the crossroads  (1)

Décisions, différenciations et distinctions: vers une sociologie du choix des études supér-rieures / Ball S.J., Davies J., David M., Reay D.  (1)


Das "Système Universitaire de Documentation"; die Einführung des Pica-Systems in Frankreich || Ztschr. für Bibliothekswesen u. Bibliogr. S.-H.- Frankfurt a. M., 2000. - No. 5. - S. 439-453.  (1)
Das deutsche Hochschulwesen im internationalen Vergleich  (1)


Der Bildungsreport 2003: Wir machen mehr aus unseren Abi  (1)
Der Mythos Humboldt: Zur Geschichte der europäischen Universitäts  (1)
Des "Héritiers" aux "nouveaux" étudiants: 35 ans de recherches  (1)
Determinants of degree performance in UK universities: a statistical analysis of the 1993 student cohort  (1)
Deutsche Eliten, ihre Universitätsausbildung und Global public policy  (1)
Deutsches Wissenschaftssystem im Wandel: Zum Stand der Hochschulreform im Jahre 2000  (1)
Devenir professeur des écoles  (1)